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Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Pit We Live In

I took this picture as I was walking around the back of the courtyard of my Allied Drive apartment building. It appeared so representative of what life is like here. Right up on the horizon are these manicured houses, yet where I stood was all this debris and trash. I know, my photography is just so deep.


Anonymous said...

I’ve been in this community for a long time. Madison for 35 years, and my kids were raised in this community, and now I am back here on Rosenberry. I remember a big field of trees and a basketball court and a jungle gym and college students flying kites in this same area. There used to be students sitting under trees studying and there was a lot of diversity of people. It was a working class neighborhood with students, working people, all races, all walks of life. All the children used to play together. The parents did not separate them and some of them are still connected. The complete opposite of what it is now. I used to play Frisbee with the students and I did know what the hell a Frisbee was at that time. That was some thing that only white kids used to do. This neighborhood used to be safe and women and children used to be out all the time.

Lina Trivedi said...

One of our neighbors said something I found funny out here: people out here make the grass scared to grow. However, there are a lot of hidden gems in this community. There is a lot of talent, a lot of creativity, a lot of dreams and a lot of good people. I wish some of the more positive elements of our community would surface ... that's funny about the frisbee ...
