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Saturday, January 19, 2008

It is MAD COLD today!

It is cold, cold, cold outside! Whenever we have inclement weather, I always think of all the people out here who do not have cars and walk in the cold to Cub Foods when they are in need of groceries.

I always see people walking with strollers and small children with bags of groceries. Cold winters are a harsh reality of our community. Even though Cub Foods is right across the street, when I didn't have a car, I used to take the bus to the West Transfer Point and walk to Copps - for me, it was a much shorter walk to the bus stop and then to Copps, and plus, you don't have to cross Verona Road's busy traffic on foot. It's only a ten minute bus ride and it actually would take longer to walk all the way across Verona Road.

I have high hopes for the Timebank outreach that will be taking place here soon and I really hope that more Allied residents take advantage of Timebank's resources when it comes to getting rides for groceries, especially when it is as cold as it is this weekend!


Anonymous said...

arh, don't know about you, but i hate the cold

mild weather is the best

Anonymous said...

Where did you have the picture? It’s too cold out this place.

Anonymous said...

add that Thick show too. I really hate it especially when im driving.

Anonymous said...

We had like 2ft of snow last night - it's mental.

Anonymous said...

Great,I love cold. But the mild cold is too harsh as in the picture. But some people enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

my country doesn't snow at all..really wish could experience one..:)

Anonymous said...

I understand your situation. Good it's spring already. Happy Spring!

Anonymous said...

Cold like this always brings a lot of problems. Even people who own cars are not saved, and I can bet that they suffer as well.z

Anonymous said...

very cold!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Man that looks cold! I live in the south, so I've only seen snow like once. I don't think I could stand weather like that all of the time.

Anonymous said...

That looks like very very cold! It doesn't snow here much but I am happy with that! Nothing is better than mild weather.

Anonymous said...

OMG! What temperature is that? I wouldn't be surprised if it was anything below -15 degrees!! I love cold and snow, but that is way too much :)

Anonymous said...

It is my favorite site. Thanks for sharing this post. Keep it up

Anonymous said...

greats place..
are born in that place?

Anonymous said...

I don't mind the cold. I like cold and hot - it's the in between (and the wet) I don't like!

Powersports ATVs said...

that looks so cold!!!

Alexa said...

I Love winter cos i haven't experience it yet.

Is it really cold during Winter?
If i will be given the chance to go somewhere else having a snow. i would really play on it all day long. Yeah.. im not kidding...

bathroom shower said...

It does look like too cold. But mild weather is really good.

harren maben said...

i like your about me section :-), nice duee

Taxi Driver said...

man the pain of cold weather sucks, id rather boil in hell than freeze in the Antarctic

Susie Buzvin said...

yeah... the weather is so damn COLD. i wonder if there is still an ozone layer on earth? the weather really seem to impossible!

cpr certification said...

brrrr... it's damn cold...

outdoor toys said...

you know when i wake up in this morning i found my lawn is totally covered with snow... it was just awesome...

web search engine marketing said...

oh!! i cant live in cold places

Online sales said...

I prefer mild weather!! specially at night! it helps me sleep

free online dating site said...

ive never experience snow so i dont know how that feels!! but i really love to experience it

Matrimonial Services said...

my favorite season of the year is winter!!!! i like it

travel site said...

i want to experience winter!! i bet its really cool!

cee said...

I like cold :)

Joseph said...

Thanx for your posting.
This winter is very cold too!!! All over the world!

Lowongan Kerja said...

Nice Idea...I wish your hope that Allied residents can take advantage of Timebank's resources become real so when cold coming it all residents have been getting rides for groceries... :)
